My Meditation Space

My meditation space is a place where I can reset my mind at any point during the day. I loved creating this sacred space, it is really a culmination of my favorite natural things. I am always changing it up in small ways to keep the energy fresh, too! 

I like to have all of the tools ready in my toolbox so to speak, so I have incorporated the senses into this space! Incense and rose water mist, objects of different textures, pretty things to find a soft gaze… all of these things help ground me in the here and now and can pull me out of a negative mental space. Often when we are struggling with negative thoughts or breaking bad habits, all we need to do is change how we feel. The easiest way to break the cycle is by doing something different. Here’s why my meditation space is set up to honor the senses: 

Evoking the Senses

Sound is a very important sense for my meditation space. I often meditate using my crystal bowls, as the tones slow the frequency of your thoughts. Meditative music works wonders too!

Burning a candle is a great way to practice your Drishti, or focused gaze, that will help you reclaim control of your mind and attention through sight. Objects and plants can also be used as points of focus.

Our sense of smell can pull us into a memory, or into a mindset. I practice the use of scents for training my mind to sink deeper into focus when I would like to. For example, I always burn one scent when I am working on deep focus, and another scent for deep relaxation. The scents can literally “set” your mindset, and help you sink deeper into the mindset you choose. 

Smooth textures like palm stones and rough textures like sea shells can help pull a distracted mind into the present moment. Often used as a trick for calming anxiety, gently rubbing an object and simply noticing its texture can help refocus your mind. Your focus rests on the object, rather than racing thoughts.

How to build your own:

  • Forage for natural items in your area, flowers, leaves, rocks, sea shells

  • Bring in objects and colors that inspire you

  • Crystals and crystal grids

  • Tarot or inspirational card decks

  • Candles, incense, facial mist

  • Instruments like chimes or singing bowls

  • Way to play music nearby

  • I love my 30 minute timer, because I can relax without looking at the time on my phone. I also use this as a non-preferred task timer, you can do anything for 30 minutes, then you’re off the hook!

What’s your favorite part of your meditation space? I’d love to hear what you have in your meditation space!

Abby Haas

Hi, I'm Abby!

I’m here to support you on your health journey. I’ve been where you are, feeling waves of anxiety, like you don’t want to be seen in photos, lacking energy to be the woman you know you are. Maybe you’re unsure of what to do next to get to the source of your symptoms. As a health coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I focus on using food as medicine and creating a lifestyle of balance to help my clients build greater health. Together, we can investigate the root causes of your health concerns and help you feel like you again.

My approach is centered on meeting you exactly where you are and giving you the personalized support you need to thrive and feel your best every single day in every way. Functional testing provides us with deeper information and a roadmap to take your health to the next level.

Everything is a choice