Free practices that have helped me regulate my nervous system

These things have helped me regulate my nervous system over the course of the last year. I came from a place where I was reliant on external sources (caffeine, alcohol, weed, other impulsive behaviors…) just to get through each day. With determination to resolve this dependency, I have a life filled with joy and resiliency to face the ups and downs. These are some of the best practices I have found that are all 100% free!

  1. Gratitude journal 

  2. Dedicated calm space 

  3. Reading

  4. Walking

  5. Yoga Nidra

1.  Gratitude journal. I aim to start each day centered in gratitude. I use a mindful practice gratitude journal printout. I keep this printout in a page protector so that I can reuse it with dry erase markers each day. This practice helps me make good choices throughout the day, and also helps me consciously create more joyful moments. If I miss a day, I get right back to it the following day because its absence is truly felt! It is so helpful to ground each morning in my intentions for the day, honor my commitments to myself and reflect on my favorite parts of the day in the evening. A simple journal could also be used and the prompts can be used as a guide. I have also used The Five Minute Journal from Intelligent Change, which I love and is what got me started with this life altering practice. 

2. Dedicated calm space. This is a space where you can go to recenter and clear your mind. In a previous post, I shared my main meditation space. I have a few more areas in my home that I consider dedicated calm spaces. I like having multiple areas that inspire me to stop, pause and be mindful because sometimes it just isn’t easy to remember without the reminder of the space right in front of you! It doesn’t have to be anything special, it just has to be a place where you have set the intention that it will be calm in that space. Preferably, it will be free of clutter and include some things you enjoy! You can even use a mantra to help pull you into a desired mindset, like “I am calm” written on a mirror with a dry erase marker or posted on a sticky note so that when you enter the space you begin with that thought. Happy, calm space = happy, calm YOU!

3. Reading. This is an integral part of my daily routine.  I like to use my morning energy to get deep work tasks done, so I save my reading time for winding down in the late afternoons or evenings. There is no question that picking up a book can save you from getting stuck in a Netflix binge, especially when it’s almost bedtime! I have always struggled with getting to bed at a reasonable hour, usually due to overstimulation and blue light from TV and other screens. To avoid this, I make it a priority to grab a book before reaching for the remote. I use an amber reading light at night to help me ease into restful sleep. Studies have shown that reading books of any kind can improve your memory and productivity, which is an added bonus! Reading can also be used as a much needed “mini-vacation” during the day, if you find yourself burning your energy quickly and need a little reset. 

4. Walking. Everyone talks about this for a reason, walking accomplishes so much more than it appears to. Walking improves cardio fitness, helps keep blood sugar balanced, and increases energy levels. Research also shows that walking and gazing out at the horizon has profound effects on our stress levels (hello, regulated nervous system!) I walk consistently throughout the day, getting 15 minutes here and there with a longer walk usually towards the end of the day. Pro tip: walks are best paired after a meal to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Double the benefits!!

5. Yoga Nidra. This practice has saved me from reaching for an afternoon cup of caffeine many times. I am not quite sure how it happens, but each time I practice for 20 minutes, I rise back up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the second half of the day! This practice has been especially helpful as I have removed the habit of daily caffeine from my life. I am so glad I have found natural ways to get even more energy than I had before relying on caffeine to get through the day! This practice is also referred to as Non-Sleep Deep Rest and its benefits are explained in detail on The Huberman podcast. One of my absolute favorite yoga nidra teachers is Caley Alyssa, you can find her guided practices for free on YouTube!

Abby Haas

Hi, I'm Abby!

I’m here to support you on your health journey. I’ve been where you are, feeling waves of anxiety, like you don’t want to be seen in photos, lacking energy to be the woman you know you are. Maybe you’re unsure of what to do next to get to the source of your symptoms. As a health coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I focus on using food as medicine and creating a lifestyle of balance to help my clients build greater health. Together, we can investigate the root causes of your health concerns and help you feel like you again.

My approach is centered on meeting you exactly where you are and giving you the personalized support you need to thrive and feel your best every single day in every way. Functional testing provides us with deeper information and a roadmap to take your health to the next level.

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