Learn to live in flow with your cycles

I wish more women knew that they don’t need to fight their bodies — this internal war creates stress that leads to hormone dysfunction, weight gain, skin issues, low energy and anxiety. We need to learn to live in sync with our bodies and our natural cycles. 

Your body doesn’t need a juice cleanse, intense workout routine or a cabinet full of supplements. It needs you to shift your mindset toward nourishment — nutrient dense foods, intentional movement, reducing stress even if that is just releasing high expectations of ourselves. When we set our sights on fighting our bodies to be a certain way, on a strict timeline, it only pushes our bodies deeper into the stress response.

Chronic stress impacts hormone health and shows up as weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, skin issues, and other symptoms. We might learn that these things are normal for women but really they are just common manifestations of dysfunction in the body. When our bodies show us these symptoms, they are calling for our support, not through another restrictive diet or five step skin routine.

As women, we have to learn to lean into the ebbs and flows of our cycles, and later on the end of cycling as we enter menopause. Release the attachment to always being at top energy and performance… whatever it is for you and allow the slow moments to have their place. Living with the seasons of our feminine cycle is great practice for living with our daily and yearly seasons, too. The mornings have higher energy, the evenings less. The summer months have long stretching days, and the winter months are short and provoke time for rest. Even if you are not currently having a regular cycle, you can sync with the monthly lunar cycle — turning inward to reflect at the new moon and using your natural high energy to push yourself forward on full moons.

Abby Haas

Hi, I'm Abby!

I’m here to support you on your health journey. I’ve been where you are, feeling waves of anxiety, like you don’t want to be seen in photos, lacking energy to be the woman you know you are. Maybe you’re unsure of what to do next to get to the source of your symptoms. As a health coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I focus on using food as medicine and creating a lifestyle of balance to help my clients build greater health. Together, we can investigate the root causes of your health concerns and help you feel like you again.

My approach is centered on meeting you exactly where you are and giving you the personalized support you need to thrive and feel your best every single day in every way. Functional testing provides us with deeper information and a roadmap to take your health to the next level.


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